Thursday, March 16, 2006

Frankie Goes to Hoboken III

Well, it's that time of year again! Our third annual Frankie Goes to Hoboken scavenger hunt and games night is coming up on March 25th! It started back in 2004, when Kirkley, Rachel and I decided to celebrate Kirkley's and my birthdays with something fun and Hoboken-centric. It was time for folks to learn that Hoboken was more than Frank Sinatra's birthplace....

And so we present (the evite has changed little over the years, although the photo has morphed a little and, this year, Kirkley is away in London and Yesh (another March baby) is in town):


Frankie did it his way. We do it ours. Help us to celebrate Yesh's, Bhawna's (and Kirkley's, in absentia :( ) birthdays with our 3rd annual games extravaganza. We'll kick off the event with a Hoboken Scavenger Hunt; teams will be competing for glory and a grand prize. After the hunt, we'll be returning to Rachel, Jeanne and Rachel's (our kind hosts!) apartment to tally the results and continue the celebration with food and games galore. Feel free to bring your own games, and anything you'd like to drink!

If you're joining us for the hunt, don't be fashionable, and don't be late. Please come to our apartment promptly at 4 pm.

If not, we'll be back at the apartment at 6 pm for Games-o-Rama, part ii. Frankie hopes to see you there. After all, it's HIS kind of town!


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